Jesus is LIFE

After being rejected in Nazareth, Jesus gathers His apostles and sends them out in pairs to preach the Good News in the surrounding towns. Now trained as His emissaries, the disciples cast out unclean spirits, anoint people with oil, and perform many healings.

In the ancient world where medicine wasn’t the most refined, healing the sick and removing unclean spirits (or people who suffer from mental health issues) must’ve quickly turned you into a modern day celebrity. 

The Bible says that there were so many coming and going that they didn’t even have time to eat. 

The disciples were famous. And people wanted to hang with them, know them and spend time with them.

For people a couple months ago who were nobodies to now be famous must’ve been kinda cool. But also very tiring.

Jesus implores them to come aside by themselves to a deserted place to rest. So they get on a boat and sail off. The multitudes, seeing them leave, run to meet them on the other side.

Jesus and the 12 were famous. Everyone wants a piece of them. Instead of heading off - Jesus, moved by compassion begins to teach the crowd. He then concludes his teaching by feeding the 5000.

Jesus then pops the disciples back in the boat and heads up the mountain to pray.

I can’t imagine how exhausted Jesus and the disciples must’ve been. 

Their lives for the past couple of days must’ve been being like well-known speakers at a big event where everyone has access to chat to them all the time. 

But I love what Jesus does to refresh His soul. He doesn’t turn to Netflix or YouTube or Instagram shorts to rest. 

“He departed to the mountain to pray.” Mark 6:46

Our culture encourages to turn to media to refresh. #NetflixAndChill encapsulates this ideology so well.

Jesus says, “I am the Way, The Truth and the Life.” - Jesus is LIFE. And thus true refreshment comes from Him.

Guard your heart so that Netflix and YouTube aren’t your source of rest. But that He is. #RefreshInChrist

Cyle MyersComment