Roy Harley

International Director

"I was at an international Christian Surfers conference where we had been challenged to seek God about where he wanted us to go, and which tribe he wanted us to reach. In front of me were over 100 surfers from numerous nations lost in worship. Just then BD the founder of our movement came alongside me putting his arm around my shoulder and looking at the crowd he said, 'This is the pearl of Great Price Roy this is the true treasure in a field.' Rarely have I felt God's Spirit speak so clearly to me as he did at that moment. I knew the surf tribe was the one he wanted me to share his love with, and I have been trying to do that ever since.”

Roy is multi-talented at home with a guitar, kiteboard, camera or surfboard. He was the pioneering national director of CS South Africa and has been in full-time ministry for over 30 years. He has also been a missions pastor and web designer. Roy is married to Sharon with daughter Cailyn and son Nathan. If he's not answering his phone, it's likely the waves are cooking and you'll find Roy in the lineup at J-Bay.

You can help see the movement of Christian Surfers continue to expand across the globe as a culture of one with your gift today in support of Roy in his role as International Director (International Froth Cultivator). Click below to give and your generosity will empower the mission so every surfer and every surfing community has the opportunity to know and follow Jesus.

Steve Bailey

Australia Regional Coordinator

Phil Williams

EMEA Area Facilitator, Europe Regional Coordinator, CSUK National Director

Phil has been the founding UK Director since 1999, works full-time with CSUK and has looked after the development of CS in Europe for over 15 years. Passionate, energetic and fun-loving with his local surf break 25km inland at the Severn Bore, Phil was formerly a leading manager in Exel Logistics and applies his skills in networking and leadership throughout UK and beyond. Married for 30 years to wonder wife Annie, he has two kids, Abi and Joseph. Phil loves the Chelsea football team, photography and Croyde low tide barrels.

Rehgert van Zyl

Middle East and Africa Regional Coordinator

Rehgert hails from South Africa and lives in the surfing town of Jeffreys Bay. Originally dreaming to be a game ranger, he had a change of direction and went the route of anthropology, the study of people. Passionate to see real lasting change in the lives of people, he worked for different NGO's before starting his own organization, Aleph Surf, in 2007. Aleph Surf focuses on community development through surfing. He has been involved in local CS missions since 2005 and went to his first International Gathering in 2008. Married to the beautiful and uber-talented Californian Vanessa, they combine their passions to share the good news of the Kingdom wherever they go. Both being well traveled and a passion for people and culture, you will probably find them sampling different types of humus with locals, steaming in an onsen bath or driving down some obscure dirt road in their trusty Toyota.