New Swell/s 2019
Christian Surfers Australia have been running their annual ‘New Swell’ junior leadership training program for many years now. After sending members to Australia for the past few years, CS New Zealand branched out and launched their own this year. Read on for stories from the two New Swells!

by Luke Larking
On November 23rd CSNZ ran our first-ever New Swell program down in Mahia on the East Coast of New Zealand.
New Swell is a week where young adults from around the country come together to be poured into, empowered and encouraged to go out and serve God. A week full of teaching sessions, surfing, adventures, fun activities and spending time in God’s creation as a family who loves Jesus and loves the ocean.
It’s an opportunity for growth, inspiration, rest, questions, answers, adventures, filling up and pouring out.
To learn leadership skills, and have discipleship training where the surfers can take back to their local communities and reach their surfers.
What did we do?
Each day started with a morning surf, we'd head straight out and find the best wave before coming back to base for breakfast. We'd then move into a devotion run by one of our leaders followed by prayer time. This was an awesome way to start each day which centered our focus on God.
Most mornings would be a nice relaxing time hanging out as a crew and sharing some laughs and good chats together before having lunch. After our stomachs were full it was all go as we jumped into the vans to find the best wave or head out to do something fun! We had some really great waves all week long which meant we were able to surf every day as well as do some epic activities.
Next was dinner, before sitting down and listening to our leaders. We all learnt so much from their amazing sessions each day. This was such a powerful time as each leader had so much knowledge to give and really challenged each student in their faith.
Hear From Our Students
“At the beginning of New Swell, Logan Mills asked me what my perfect day would be. I answered, ‘Probably surfing with mates and talking about God.’ I never realized I would actually be doing this for an entire week while down in Mahia. I was in a stage of life where I had a rough idea of what was next for me but no real idea how to get there. Throughout the week, however, I could sense God moving and talking to me through everyone who was present. The life the leaders spoke into me and everyone else was insane! New Swell helped me realize what was important in my life and gave me the direction that I needed at the time. I am so incredibly thankful for everything given by the leaders, and the other guests who came and made it such an amazing week. Hands down, it was the best week of my life.” - Jack Gordon
”New Swell was honestly the best week of my life. The people, the surf and the time we were able to spend with each other and with God was unbelievable and In one of the most beautiful places in NZ. I am so thankful to have gone. Every day we got up for a surf with amazing friends and then got to spend time with God and it led us all to thrive and be the happiest version of ourselves, at least for me! I loved my time at New Swell and cannot wait for next year!!” - Georgia Ballentyne
New Swell was an amazing week. God really showed up and spoke through our leaders. We couldn't have been happier with how our first New Swell went and we can't wait to run it again next year.

by Jessi Muir
Some would say it was winter in summer, but that’s just Victoria for you. The south-east state of Australia greeted 30 Christian Surfers from around Australia, for a week of teachings and experiences based on the Christian Surfers Australia values, led by various leaders from within CSA, who volunteer their time to come and invest into the future of Christian Surfers.
The week began with a session at the famous Bells Beach, led by Christian Surfers Australia’s National Director, Steve Bailey, who shared on ‘The Wild Call of God’ and what it looks like to follow God in faith and obedience.
The week flowed on from there, with all the crew frothing to get amongst the quality time, the sessions, and of course, the WAVES.
Early morning sessions at Winkipop to onshore arvo grovels at Raafs, the crew made the most of all the conditions, to put to practice the challenge of being a servant surfer, and how that looks out in the line up.
Amongst the daily sessions, the week consisted of a working bee, focused on the value of being a servant leader, to clean up and redo the unused Christian Surfers headquarters in Torquay, with faith that the revamp will bring new life to the space.
Servant leadership is a huge part of New Swell, and creating opportunities for the students to serve one another through preparing meals, praying together, surfing like a servant in crowded line ups, and getting involved in the inevitable cleaning up, is what makes the week and the relationships so solid.
The week wrapped up in true Christian Surfers style, with an op shop themed dance party, and a time of reflection.
The shared experiences throughout the week really brought everyone together, and for lots of the crew, helped them to tap into the reality of God’s family and what it means to be a part of it.
Everyone who came walked away with a strong desire to pursue God more, and to get back to their local Christian Surfers missions to put into practice everything they had learnt.
Raymond Beacroft of Port Macquarie, NSW, and a former CSALT student shared reflections from his time at New Swell:
“New Swell for me was a time where I experienced a deep sense of camaraderie, a deep sense of fellowship. The biggest things that spoke to me was that in Christ we are family, and that leadership only works if you’ve got a community involved. I learnt that leadership doesn’t just look like someone upfront at a church service sharing the Good News…but it’s an everyday choice to be authentic in who Christ made you.”